Request a quote
Use translation to your advantage!
Do you want to reach more people? Are you a company looking to develop your business abroad? Do you need a certified translation for yourself or your company? We can help.
We also offer a host of other services – we will do our utmost to meet your specific needs.
Certified translation
What exactly is a certified, or “sworn”, translation? A certified translation is produced by a translator who has sworn an oath in court. When the translator signs and stamps the document, he or she certifies that the translation corresponds to the original document, and the translation can then be used by the authorities.

Our languages

Our team
Marie-Claude TORLET
Translator from German, Danish and Swedish to French, graduate of the School of International Interpreters in Mons, Belgium, with a postgraduate diploma (DES) in Scandinavian language and literature.
Translator from German, Danish and Swedish to French, graduate of the School of International Interpreters in Mons, Belgium.
Request a quote
Interested in working with Translatores?
Our team is responsive and attentive to your needs. We provide quality service and custom-tailored solutions. Our translations are delivered on time, ready for publication.

Responsive service
We send your quote as soon as possible and offer quick turnaround times. Need to meet a tight deadline? Let us know.

All our translations are produced by experienced translators working into their mother

Punctual delivery
Most of our projects are delivered well in advance of your deadline.

Who we are
Our values

At Translatores, we take into account the deadlines and availabilities of all parties when we embark on a project.

At Translatores, there are no exorbitant prices and our translators are remunerated fairly for their work.

At Translatores, everyone is welcome!

At Translatores, translations are produced by people, not by machines.

At Translatores, the environmental impact of our activities is always taken into consideration.

At Translatores, trust is crucial for our work. It’s one of our core values!

At Translatores, our CAT software is Luxembourgish, our management software is Belgian and we use local suppliers.
These values explain why we have been recognised with the “Responsible Company” label since 2018.
Who we are
Some references

Etude Guy Engel
Throughout the duration of the health crisis, we receive you by appointment.
You can also send us your files directly by email.
"I will definitely come back again!"
Bij Henders & Hazel maken we al enkele jaren gebruik van de snelle vertaalservice van Translatores voor vlotte, easy-to-read teksten voor onze social media kanalen, nieuwsbrieven, catalogen en website. Wij leveren de teksten aan in het Nederlands, Translatores zet ze om naar het Frans. Wij zijn altijd bijzonder tevreden over de aangeleverde kwaliteit van hun vertalingen en hun stiptheid. Snelle deadlines zijn voor Translatores geen probleem!

Toujours pleinement satisfait
TRANSLATORES SARL est une société réunissant des traducteurs qualifiés et soucieux de rendre un travail de qualité. Notre collaboration perdure depuis plusieurs années et je suis toujours pleinement satisfait.

Qualité du travail, la flexibilité, la rapidité et la bienveillance
En qualité de bureau de conseil RSE, notre choix s’est porté naturellement vers le seul cabinet de traduction labellisé « Entreprise Socialement Responsable » à ce jour au Luxembourg. La qualité du travail, la flexibilité, la rapidité et la bienveillance dont a fait preuve Translatores en toute occasion n’ont fait que confirmer notre choix.

Stéphane HERARD
directeur de Shime